My-coffee Cup – Espresso Fortissimo

Espresso Fortissimo by My-coffee Cup

Espresso Fortissimo by My-coffee Cup has a heavy aroma with distinctly stale, earthy notes. Its dark-roast bitterness comes together with creamy sweetness, walnuts and a touch of cinnamon. The body of this espresso is very light and watery, offering only a mild taste of grapefruit bitterness.

Espresso Fortissimo - a box with three coffee capsules on the right hand side


Espresso Fortissimo has a heavy aroma with somewhat stale and earthy notes. In this aroma, dark-roast bitterness combines with a creamy sweetness and hints of walnuts and cinnamon.


The taste is very light, offering only a touch of grapefruit bitterness in a watery body. The aftertaste adds a hint of roasted barley sweetness.


The extraction is fast and steady, producing a good crema.


Capsules of My-coffee Cup are loosely packaged in a plainly-looking paper box. The capsules are made of 50-85% biodegradable material, according to the stated certification. Ground coffee is enclosed in capsules by a paper lid. Used capsules can be disposed of in your compost. My-coffee Cup does not offer us any description of Espresso Fortissimo, apart from the intensity rating of 8 out of 10.


Espresso Fortissimo from My-coffee Cup brings biologically grown Arabica in compostable capsules. As such, these capsules are friendly to the environment. It is thus a pity that the quality of coffee they produce is not sufficiently high. Every espresso which we have prepared using these capsules bears many signs of very low coffee freshness.
In fact, we are not too surprised by the lack of freshness from the used capsule technology. My-coffee Cup uses the same type of biodegradable capsules as No. 6 by Espresso San Marco and Colombian by Eden Project. These capsules enclose the grounded coffee in the capsules only by a paper filter. Such a cover cannot keep the coffee airtight, causing its freshness to degrade rapidly.

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